
Terms and conditions

(updated as of August 21, 2024, in relation to point V. 1. of the Project Schedule)

I General Provisions

  1. The regulations define the principles of participation in the PMI Poland Chapter Mentoring Program based in Warsaw, hereinafter referred to as the Program.

  2. The organizer of the Mentoring Program is PMI Poland Chapter, located in Warsaw, ul. Domaniewska 47/10, 02-672 Warsaw, e-mail: biuro@pmi.org.pl, NIP: 525-227-89-73.

  3. The official website of the Program is: www.mentoring.pmi.org.pl, and the official communication channel between the participant and the Organizer is the e-mail address: mentoring@pmi.org.pl.

  4. The Program is dedicated to members of the PMI Poland Chapter, meaning those with active membership in PMI and the PMI Poland Chapter throughout the duration of the Program.

  5. Participation in the program is free of charge.

  6. Mentors and experts in the program do not receive remuneration for their participation in the Program.

II Basic Definitions

  1. Mentoring relationship – a partnership based on trust, voluntariness, respect, openness, and engagement between the Mentor and the Mentee. The mentoring relationship is a bilateral relationship governed by the principle of confidentiality. The goal of the mentoring relationship is mutual development.

  2. Mentor – a person who has experience, has achieved a significant professional and social position, and wants to offer advice, share knowledge, and support the Mentee in achieving goals, identifying areas for development, and developing competencies based on the mentoring relationship. The mentor’s goal is to provide substantive and motivational support to the Mentee.

  3. Mentee – a person who is aware of the goals they want to achieve through meetings with a mentor based on the mentoring relationship. Through participation in the Program, Mentees will be able to improve their skills in collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, overcoming barriers, developing “soft” and “hard” skills, project management, and career path planning. Support may cover various issues, including those consistent with the PMI Talent Triangle.

  4. The PMI Talent Triangle® – defines areas of competence in leadership, strategy and business management, and project management, including methodologies and tools.

III Principles of Participation

  1. The basis for participation in the Program for Mentees includes: active membership in PMI and the PMI Poland Chapter throughout the duration of the Program and the correct and complete filling out of the application form available on the Program’s website: www.mentoring.pmi.org.pl, including reading and accepting the terms of these Regulations by marking the appropriate field in the application form and successfully passing the recruitment process.

  2. The Organizer does not provide transportation, accommodation, or cover the costs of participants’ attendance at mentoring sessions and meetings within the Program or other costs associated with participation in the Program.

  3. The Organizer is not responsible for items left, lost, destroyed, or stolen during meetings within the Program.

  4. Participants bear full financial responsibility for any damages they cause at the venue where the meetings are held.

  5. The Organizer has the right to refuse a Participant’s participation in the Program without providing a reason, about which the Participant will be informed by e-mail within 30 days from the end of recruitment for Mentees or Mentors.

IV Recruitment Rules for the Program

  1. Participants of the Program are Mentors and Mentees.

  2. Participants declare their availability and time commitment necessary to implement the Program by submitting the application form.

  3. Mentees are particularly obliged to:

a) actively participate in the Program according to the rules agreed with the Mentor;

b) adhere to the rules agreed with the Mentor, maintain the confidentiality of information shared during the Program and after its conclusion;

c) participate in the Program evaluation.

  1. Candidates for Mentees must meet the following criteria:

a) the candidate is an active member of the PMI Poland Chapter, meaning they have paid membership in PMI and the Polish Branch (membership must be active at the time of admission and during the program).

b) the candidate applies according to these Regulations and successfully passes the recruitment process.

  1. Candidates for Mentors must meet the following criteria:

a) the candidate is an active member of the PMI Poland Chapter, meaning they have paid membership in PMI and the Polish Branch (membership must be active at the time of admission and during the program).

b) the candidate has an impeccable reputation;

c) the candidate has a minimum of ten years of professional experience and/or

d) the candidate has a minimum of five years of project management experience;

e) the candidate receives a positive opinion from the PMI Poland Chapter Board to participate in the program as a Mentor;

f) the candidate applies according to these Regulations and successfully passes the recruitment process.

  1. Participants will be informed about their acceptance or rejection to the Program via email or phone.

  2. A participant will not be qualified for the Program if, based on the information provided in the application form (incomplete and/or incorrect), it cannot be confirmed that the Participant meets the conditions specified in points 4 or 5 of the Recruitment Rules for the Program.

  3. The list of Mentors will be published on the Program’s website.

  4. Pair Matching:

a) Mentoring pairs are selected based on the information provided in the application form by Mentors and Mentees.

b) The team responsible for the Program strives to match pairs considering similarities, goals, and expectations of both parties.

c) If a Mentor receives many applications from potential Mentees, they can independently choose their Mentee from the available candidates.

d) The Mentor can use the Program team’s recommendations to make the best choice according to both parties’ expectations and needs.

e) After the Mentor indicates a Mentee, both interested parties will be informed by email.

  1. Submitting an application does not guarantee the assignment of a Mentor.If the Mentee does not receive the first, second, or third choice Mentor, they may agree to a Mentor outside the preference list. However, there is still no guarantee that a Mentor will be assigned.

V Course of the Mentoring Program

  1. Program schedule:

  • Program duration: June 2024 – February 2025

  • from 10.06.2024 to 07.07.2024 – recruitment of Mentors;

  • from 22.07.2024 to 18.08.2024 – recruitment of Mentees;

  • from 19.08.2024 to 01.09.2024 – mentor-mentee pair selection,

  • 12-13.09.2024 – inaugural meeting;

  • from September 2024 to 13 February 2025 – mentor-mentee pair meetings;

  • 13.02.2025 – program evaluation.

  1. The mentoring relationship begins with the first meeting between the Mentor and the Mentee.

  2. A Mentor can work with a maximum of two Mentees. In special cases, after individual arrangements with the Program team, a Mentor can work with three Mentees.

  3. A Mentor can simultaneously be a Mentee in the Program, provided they successfully pass the recruitment process.

  4. During the Program, the Mentor will dedicate 8 to 12 hours to the Mentee for mentoring sessions. Meetings with other Program participants are not included in the time of the Mentor-Mentee relationship sessions. If the Mentor and Mentee individually agree to more meetings, they can increase the number of hours beyond the established 12 hours.

  5. The exact rules of cooperation within the mentoring relationship are individually agreed upon by the mentoring pair during the inaugural Program meeting. The frequency of meetings and their dates are agreed upon between the Mentor and the Mentee according to their needs and preferences. This can include weekly, monthly, or ad hoc meetings on weekdays or weekends. The length and regularity of meetings are adjusted to the needs and capabilities of both parties during the Program.

  6. The proper course of the Program requires effective communication: Organizers allow mentoring to be conducted remotely (email, phone, Zoom, Google Meet, etc.).

  7. PMI PC informs about the timeframe of the Program’s editions via the Program’s website.

  8. PMI PC reserves the right to change the Program schedule.

  9. At the end of the program, mentoring pairs will be asked to participate in the Program evaluation.

VI Professional Development Units (PDUs)

  1. Participants in the PMI Poland Chapter Mentoring Program, both mentors and mentees, with PMI certification, are entitled to PDU points (Professional Development Unit).

  2. All conditions for awarding PDU points are in accordance with the current PMI regulations available on the https://ccrs.pmi.org/ website.

  3. Each full hour spent learning together allows reporting 1 PDU for each person.

  4. The person applying for PDU points should submit an application on the https://ccrs.pmi.org/ website and independently maintain documentation confirming completed mentoring sessions.

VII Processing of Personal Data

  1. The data controller is the Organizer, i.e., PMI Poland Chapter (PMI Polish Branch), based in Warsaw (02-672), at ul. Domaniewska 47/10, KRS 0000-167-986, NIP 525-227-89-73, REGON 015543424.

  2. For all matters regarding personal data processing and exercising rights related to data processing, the data subject may contact the Data Controller via e-mail: biuro@pmi.org.pl or by phone at +48 530 700 457.

  3. Regarding data processing, the following rights apply:

  • withdrawal of consent – if data is processed based on consent,

  • access to data – information about what data is processed and for what purpose,

  • rectification, change, update of data,

  • request deletion of data,

  • request restriction of data storage,

  • lodging an objection,

  • data transfer,

  • file a complaint with the supervisory authority.

  1. Detailed rules regarding the collection and processing of Participants’ personal data are described in the Privacy Policy: http://pmi.org.pl/polityka-prywatnosci.

VIII Data Collected for Program Implementation

  1. Regarding the data that must be provided in the form:

  • The basis for processing will be the performance of the contract concluded between the Organizer and the Participant and the pursuit of the legitimate interests of the data controller, i.e., the implementation of the Association’s statutory goals, namely promoting professionalism in project management in business, organizations, and academic centers, and supporting, adopting, and disseminating best project management practices in Poland, as well as raising public awareness in this field.

  • The data will be made available to individuals involved in organizing the Program and processed until the completion of activities related to the implementation of the Program. Personal data of the Participant contained in the Program application form, collected by the Organizer, will be processed for the purpose of conducting the Program in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations, including creating the list of Participants.

  1. Data recorded and shared in the form of photos and video recordings:

  • Will be processed based on the realization of the legitimate interests of the Administrator and the performance of the contract, i.e., the implementation of the Association’s statutory goals, namely promoting professionalism in project management in business, organizations, and academic centers, and supporting, adopting, and disseminating best project management practices in Poland, as well as raising public awareness in this field.

  • The data will be made available to individuals involved in organizing the event and those professionally handling recording, photographing, and processing materials.

  1. The processing of data during the event, including the sharing of recordings and photos, complies with data protection regulations.

IX Final Provisions

  1. All persons involved in the course and organization of the Program adhere to the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, which can be found here.

    Decisions related to the implementation of these Regulations, particularly regarding the qualification of Mentors and Mentees for participation in the Program, are final and cannot be appealed.

  2. Participants in the Program may withdraw from further participation in the Program without giving any reason. In such a situation, PMI Poland Chapter will make an individual decision regarding the further course of the Program for the person who remains in it.

  3. Participants in the Program may be excluded from the Program in the event of violation of the provisions of these Regulations and/or actions contrary to the objectives of the Program.

  4. Meetings within the Program, excluding mentoring sessions, may be recorded and photographed by the Organizer.

  5. PMI Poland Chapter reserves the right to publish the personal data and images of persons qualified to participate in the Program, as well as interviews conducted with them, in the mass media.

  6. Participation in the program is considered to be a transfer of ownership of copyrights to the recordings and photographs to the organizer and consent to their commercial use in the event that: the Participant is filmed or photographed,the Participant voluntarily agrees to be interviewed on camera or pose for a photograph.

  7. All disputed issues concerning the organization of the Program are resolved by the President of the Board of PMI PC.

  8. The provisions of these Regulations are an integral part of the application for participation in the Program and are binding on all participants.

  9. The Organizer has the right to make changes to the Program schedule. Participants will be informed of any changes through information posted on the Program’s website or via email.

  10. The Organizer has the right to make changes to these Regulations. Participants will be informed of any changes through information posted on the website in a cextion:I General Provisions

  11. The Regulations define the rules of participation in the PMI Poland Chapter Mentoring Program, based in Warsaw, hereinafter referred to as the Program.

  12. These Regulations are available for review on the Program’s website at http://pmi.org.pl/mentoring/.

  13. In matters not regulated by these Regulations, the provisions of the Civil Code, the Personal Data Protection Act, and the Copyright and Related Rights Act apply.

  14. Full supervision over the course of the Program is exercised by the Board Members of PMI Poland Chapter.

  15. All complaints from Program Participants against the Organizer should be submitted electronically to the following address: mentoring@pmi.org.pl. A properly submitted complaint should contain at least the following data: name and surname, email address, subject of the complaint, and circumstances justifying the complaint. The Organizer will respond to the complaint promptly, no later than 14 days from the date of its submission. The decision regarding the complaint will be communicated to the Participant at the email address provided.