
Privacy Policy

Who are we?

The address of our website is: https://pmi.org.pl. The entity responsible is:

PMI Poland Chapter (PMI Oddział Polski)
ul. Domaniewska 47/10
02-672 Warszawa
NIP: 525-227-89-73

A. Privacy policy

The following policy has been prepared by the Project Management Institute Poland Chapter (referred to in this policy, also as: PMI Poland Chapter, PMI PC, we, us) and is intended for entities outside our organization with whom we cooperate, including: visitors to our websites, association members, participants of our events (hereinafter referred to as: “you”, “your”, “yours”). Definitions of terms used in this policy are introduced in section N. For the purposes of the privacy policy, it should be assumed that PMI PC is the administrator of personal data.

This policy may be changed or updated to reflect changes in the way personal data is processed or changes in applicable law. We encourage you to read it carefully and check for changes regularly, which we may introduce in accordance with the principles of this Policy.

B. Processing of your personal data

Collecting personal data: We may collect data about you such as: first name, last name, address, contact details. Below are examples of sources from which we may collect personal data:

  • We may obtain your personal data when you provide it to us, for example, in a face-to-face conversation, over the phone, via email, or through other means of communication. We may obtain your personal data through the establishment of business relationships (e.g., if you purchase a product or service from us).
  • We may obtain your personal data from members of the PMI network (PMI Network), to the extent that members of our network provide them.
  • We may obtain your personal data that you have clearly made publicly available (e.g., data from your social media profile that you have publicly shared).
  • We may obtain your personal data when you visit our websites, use functionalities, or resources available on our site. When you visit our site, your browser or device may automatically provide certain information (e.g., device type, operating system, browser information, IP address, language settings, time of connection to the site, and other technical information), some of which may constitute personal data.

Creating personal data: We may also create records of personal data about you, such as details regarding the course of your membership in PMI PC.

Personal data of other individuals provided by you. In some cases, you may entrust us with the personal data of other individuals (e.g., when you participate in events or provide us with feedback). Each time you entrust us with the personal data of other individuals, we assume that you have ensured that you have a legitimate interest in providing us with this data and that your actions comply with applicable law and the provisions of this policy. If this is not the case, please refrain from providing us with the personal data of other individuals.

Categories of personal data: Below we present the categories of Personal Data that may be subject to processing:

  • Personal details: first name, last name, gender, photo.
  • Membership details: membership status and type, information about assigned “Chapter,” details about territorial affiliation to “branch,” membership start date, membership renewal dates, details about pmi.org account including login information, data contained in documents submitted during association application (e.g., information about the university for student members).
  • Payment details: billing address, bank account or credit card number, cardholder name, card number, card expiration date.
  • Contact information: home address, work address, phone number, email address, and information about social media profiles.
  • Professional experience: current and previous positions, details about job responsibilities, industry information, and education.
  • Views and opinions: Your views and opinions expressed during surveys or directly provided to us.
  • Details about the mentoring program: information provided in application forms for mentor or mentee roles.
  • Event participation: information about participation in events organized by PMI PC, including information about professional certificates held.

Legal basis for processing personal data: When processing your personal data for the purposes outlined in this Policy, we may rely on one of the following legal bases (depending on the specific situation):

  • We have obtained your consent to process your personal data (applies only to voluntary processing of personal data).
  • Processing of personal data is necessary for the performance of a contract that you have entered into with us or intend to enter into.
  • Processing of data is required by relevant laws.
  • Processing of data is necessary to protect your interests. We have a legitimate interest, as permitted by law, in promoting, managing, conducting operational activities, and promoting our business, and this interest does not conflict with your interests or fundamental rights.

Processing sensitive data: We strive not to collect or otherwise process your sensitive data, except in situations where:

  • Processing is necessary to ensure compliance with the law (e.g., diversity reporting).
  • Processing is necessary for the detection or prevention of crimes.
  • Processing is necessary for legal defense.
  • We have obtained your explicit consent (in accordance with legal requirements) to process your sensitive data.

The purposes for which we may process your personal data include:

  • Providing services to you: membership and related services, providing access to our websites, delivering relevant informational materials, inviting you to appropriate events, and conducting related communications.
  • Managing member relationships: managing relationships with our members and among our members; ensuring that members comply with relevant statutory provisions, resolving disputes, conducting administrative actions related to membership.
  • Our websites: maintaining and managing our websites, delivering their content, displaying advertisements and other information, communicating and interacting with you through our websites.
  • Marketing communication: communicating with you through any means (including email, phone, SMS, social media, postal mail, in-person) messages and other information that may be of interest to you (in accordance with applicable law).
  • Managing and maintaining our IT systems: managing IT system security, auditing them, and ensuring security.
  • Financial management: sales, finance, corporate auditing, supplier management.
  • Questionnaires and surveys: engaging you in communication with us to understand your views and opinions related to our activities.
    Improving our products and services: identifying issues with existing services, planning improvements, creating new services.

C.  Disclosure of personal data to third parties

We may disclose your personal data to other members of the PMI network for legitimate business purposes (including providing services and related website functionality) in accordance with applicable law. Additionally, we may disclose your personal data to:

  • Relevant authorities upon their request, or in connection with the need to report violations of the law or suspicions of law violations, based on applicable regulations.
  • Accountants, auditors, lawyers, and other professionally engaged entities providing advisory services to the PMI network, whom we require to maintain confidentiality by signing appropriate agreements.
  • Data processors (e.g., payment service providers) who may be located anywhere in the world. In such cases, the requirements presented at the end of this point (C) will be met.
  • Appropriate parties if it is related to preventing, conducting investigations, detecting criminal offenses, or imposing penalties for criminal offenses; as well as for public safety protection purposes.
  • Our Websites may contain plugins or active content from third-party entities (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn). If you choose to use third-party website plugins, your personal data may be transferred to those entities. Make sure you are familiar with the privacy policy of these entities beforehand.

If we decide to use a third-party website to process your personal data, that website will be contractually obligated to: (i) process personal data in accordance with provided instructions, (ii) use protection measures to ensure the confidentiality and security of Personal Data, and other requirements in compliance with applicable law.

D. Transferring data abroad

Due to the international nature of our operations, we may transfer your personal data to other organizations within the PMI network and to third parties listed in the above section (C). Therefore, your personal data may be transferred to other countries that may have different data protection laws and other legal requirements than the country in which you are located. Where data transfer occurs to third countries, we do so based on standard contractual clauses. You can obtain a copy of our standard contractual clauses using the contact provided in section (M).


E. Data Security

We have implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized access, and any other unauthorized or unlawful forms of processing, in accordance with applicable law.

It is your responsibility to securely transmit your personal data to us.

F. Data Accuracy

We take appropriate steps to ensure that:

  • Your personal data is accurate, and where necessary, we endeavor to ensure its timeliness.
  • Your personal data that is incorrect (given the purpose of its processing) is promptly deleted or corrected.

From time to time, we may ask you to confirm the accuracy of the personal data we hold about you.

G. Data minimization

We take all possible steps to ensure that the personal data processed by us is limited only to data that is necessary for the purposes of its processing and the purpose of this policy.


H. Data retention

The criteria we use to determine the period for which we will process your personal data are as follows: we will retain a copy of your personal data for as long as necessary in connection with the processing purposes outlined in this policy, unless applicable laws require us to retain it for a longer period; we may also retain your data for the period necessary to prepare for and conduct actions necessary to defend our legal interests.


I. Your Rights

In connection with the processing of your personal data by us, you have the following rights:

Withdrawal of consent – if the data is processed based on consent,
Access to data – information about what data is processed and for what purpose,
Correction, change, updating of data,
request for deletion of data,
request for restriction of data storage,
file an objection,
transfer of data,
file a complaint with a supervisory authority.

To exercise your rights, please contact us at the address provided in section (M).

J. Cookies

Cookies are small files that are placed on your devices when you visit websites. They store information about your device, your browser, and in some cases, your browsing habits and history. Our cookie policy is located on the Cookie Policy page.


K. Your obligations

We rely on the accuracy of the Personal Data you provide, enabling us to provide you with appropriate services.


L. Contact information

If you have any comments, questions, or concerns regarding any information contained in this Policy, or any aspects of personal data processing by PMI Poland Chapter, please contact us at: rodo@pmi.org.pl or by mail: PMI Poland Chapter, ul. Domaniewska 47/10, 02-672 Warsaw.


M. Definitions

  • Administrator of personal data – means the entity that decides how and for what purpose personal data are processed.
  • Supervisory authority – an independent public authority whose role is to supervise the application of law related to the protection of personal data.
  • Personal data – information about an identified or identifiable natural person. Examples of personal data that we may process can be found in section B. Processing – all operations on personal data, whether performed in an automated manner or not. Examples include: collection, recording, organization, storage, adaptation, alteration, disclosure, transmission, alteration, deletion, merging of data sets.
  • Processor – any person or organization that processes Personal Data on behalf of the Administrator.
  • Sensitive Personal Data – data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data, data concerning health, sexual orientation, or criminal convictions and offenses or related security measures.
  • Parties – meaning explained in section A.
  • Standard Contractual Clauses – means model contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data that have been approved by the European Commission.


By consenting to receive the newsletter (which combines information about the Association’s activities, marketing information from cooperating entities, and commercial information), you agree that your name, surname, and email address will be processed for the purpose of receiving newsletters from PMI Poland Chapter.

In case of refusal to consent, the newsletter will not be sent.

The data will be processed based on the expressed consent, for the duration of the Association’s operation, but not longer than until a request for their deletion is received.

The obtained personal data will not be transferred or disclosed to anyone, except: Freshmail sp. z o.o., which owns the newsletter sending platform, and Google Inc., which provides the GSuite platform for the Association, where the consents expressed will be archived.

In connection with the expressed consent, you have the right to:

  • withdraw consent, which will mean that the Association will stop sending newsletters;
  • access data, i.e., information about what data we have;
  • correction, change, updating of data; data deletion;
  • data storage restriction;
  • file an objection;
  • transfer of data; file a complaint with the supervisory authority.

To exercise your rights, please send an email from the provided email address to rodo@pmi.org.pl. The data controller is the PMI Poland Chapter Association (PMI Polish Branch), with its registered office in Warsaw (02-672), at ul. Domaniewska 47/10, KRS 0000-167-986, NIP 525-227-89-73, REGON 0155-4342-4. Contact with the contact person is possible at the email address: rodo@pmi.org.pl.