
Schedule for the 7th edition of the Program

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do 07.07.2024

Mentor Recruitment

Mentor Recruitment


do 18.08.2024

Mentee Recruitment

Mentee Recruitment


do 01.09.2024

Selection of Mentoring Pairs

Selection of Mentoring Pairs

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We have completed the process of collecting applications for the 7th edition of the Mentoring Program.
Our team is now working on matching mentoring pairs
Application Form

Mentors of the 7th edition


See what others are saying

Cezary Orzechowski

Cezary Orzechowski

Director of the Guarantee and Claims Department, Aldesa Polska Services Sp. z o.o., Mentee of the 4th edition of the Program

JIf you want to allow a part of yourself that you didn't notice or appreciate before to become better known, to be highlighted, and to improve your skills, don't hesitate—start a Mentor-Mentee relationship. Knowing the high level of the Project Management Institute Poland Chapter's Mentoring Program when applying as a Mentee, I didn't expect that participating in it would prove to be such a great added value. Talking with the Mentor, getting to know each other, defining goals, analyzing them, implementing them, verifying them, evaluating them, and finally achieving them gives a lot of satisfaction and makes it easier to define further intentions for the future. The opportunity to learn from the Mentor's experience and to share one's own experience is very enlightening. And all this occurs in a positive atmosphere of mutual trust and understanding with a well-prepared, experienced, and understanding professional.
Jakub Słociński

Jakub Słociński

Product Manager at OVHcloud, Mentee of the 4th edition of the Program

This mentoring program is an incredibly interesting way to broaden experience and address problems that not everyone has the chance to solve at work. It also offers a different perspective on challenging topics. With the support of incredibly intelligent and experienced mentors, the program is carried out carefully and with full confidentiality, providing the perfect ground for personal development. I highly recommend it to everyone—both the less and the more ambitious!
Marzena Smol

Marzena Smol

Professor at the Institute of Mineral and Energy Economy, Polish Academy of Sciences, Mentee of the 4th edition of the program

The PMI Mentoring Program has been one of the best "journeys" of my professional life :) In fact, I applied to the Program without a rigidly defined goal. During the first sessions with my Mentor, we clarified my expectations and established a clear goal for my participation in the Program. This was achieved through consultations, Q&A sessions, case studies, and homework assignments. I am very grateful for the opportunity to participate in the Program! I heartily recommend it to anyone ready for a "mini business psychotherapy" experience—in a very pleasant atmosphere!


Mentoring is a process, similar to embarking on a journey with an experienced guide through unfamiliar terrain. It is a relationship based on trust, openness, and empathy, where the mentor supports the mentee in developing their potential and overcoming challenges by sharing their knowledge, skills, and perspective.

A mentor possesses extensive experience and knowledge in a specific field or area and is willing to share them with others.

A mentee is a person who seeks support, guidance, and inspiration from someone more experienced for personal and professional development.

Main Program Partner

Helprise facilitates the development of its clients’ businesses by providing access to top talents and their unique skills, while also allowing candidates and employees to fulfill their developmental ambitions.

It offers a flexible growth model, allowing companies to start with a single full-time position and expand their business functions without the hassle of establishing a legal entity, defining a tax model, and managing daily operations.

Helprise relies on the knowledge and experience of its founders and employees, resulting in both a unique range and quality of services offered, as well as their practical implementation.
Learn more
Marcin Tchórzewski

Marcin Tchórzewski

Daniel Wocial

Daniel Wocial

Program Content Partner

Katarzyna Cicha is a psychologist, career counselor, and mentor who has been juggling HR, marketing, and communication topics in various roles and organizations. She is a graduate of psychology and Polish philology at the University of Warsaw and has completed coaching studies at ALK.

She has completed the Career Angels career consultant training program and is a trainer for the "Spadochron" career counseling program as well as a job crafting facilitator.

Katarzyna has worked in corporations as well as small and medium-sized companies, gaining experience in the advertising, finance, construction, IT, and medical industries. For several years, she served as the editor-in-chief of Neuropsychologia.org. Currently, she freelances and works at Mangrove, a place that supports startups in effective and ethical business development.

She enjoys talking to people about work and draws extensively from cognitive, social, personality, and individual differences psychology in her practice.
Katarzyna Cicha

Katarzyna Cicha

Technology Partner

CodeWave, founded by Andrzej Wytyczak-Partyka, specializes in custom software development, including web and mobile applications, cloud architecture, and server management.

With over 15 years of industry experience, CodeWave delivers tailored IT solutions to clients worldwide, helping them innovate and enhance their digital presence through bespoke solutions and expert consultation.

CodeWave is also the creator of Flotiq, a headless CMS platform designed for seamless content management and integration. The CodeWave team used Flotiq.com to build the new Mentoring Program site for the PMI Poland Chapter.
Learn more
Andrzej Wytyczak-Partyka

Andrzej Wytyczak-Partyka

Team of the 7th edition of the Program

Our team is a mixture of individuals, who share the same level of passion, commitment, creativity, and determination, creating together a unique whole. Meet the people responsible for the implementation and success of the extraordinary project called the PMI Mentoring Program.

Justyna Możejko

Justyna Możejko

Team Leader

Magdalena Sobantka

Magdalena Sobantka

Project Sponsor

Mateusz Piątek

Mateusz Piątek

Team Member

Ewelina Prucnal

Ewelina Prucnal

Team Member

Marta Beńko

Marta Beńko

Team Member

Piotr Beńko

Piotr Beńko

Team Member



Do you want to participate in the 7th edition of the Program? Do you want to become a mentor/mentee? Do you have additional questions, concerns?

Let us know. We will be happy to answer your questions!

PMI Poland Chapter

ul. Domaniewska 47/10

02-672 Warszawa
