
Cookie policy

PMI PC Service and Internet Cookies

Our service uses cookies for statistical purposes and to tailor the service to your individual needs in accordance with the Cookie Policy. By using the PMI PC service without changing your cookie settings, you agree that cookies will be placed on your device, such as your computer, tablet, mobile phone, or any other device you use to visit our service. You can change your cookie settings at any time by modifying your web browser settings.

The service may collect and analyze non-personal information about your browser name, type of computer, technical information about users, operating system, and other similar information. PMI PC may collect cookies containing this information. The information is stored solely to facilitate the use of the service, for quick user authorization, and to improve the comment mechanism on articles posted on the blog. According to Article 173 Paragraph 1 Point 2 in conjunction with Article 173 Paragraph 2 of the Telecommunications Law, if you do not want cookies to be stored on your computer, you should appropriately modify your web browser settings. A configuration that allows the use of cookies means that you consent to the above.

Why are cookies essential?

All pages of the PMI PC service use cookies that enable the personalization of displayed pages of the service, login handling, and other operations performed on the service, as well as advertising handling and monitoring user activity.

This technology also allows us to continually work on improving the quality of our service. After disabling cookies in your browser, we cannot guarantee that the site will function flawlessly.

No cookie stored by the service collects personal data of the service users.

What are cookies?

Cookies are data files, particularly text files, that typically contain the name of the website they come from, the time they are stored on the end device, and a unique number. They are stored on the user’s end device and allow the service to read the information contained in them.

Types of cookies used in the PMI PC service

None of the cookies used by the PMI PC service contain personal information and cannot be used to identify a specific user.

The duration for which a cookie remains in the end device’s memory (e.g., computer, phone, tablet) depends on its type:

  • session cookies: Temporary files that exist only while you have access to our service (more precisely, until the browser is closed).
  • Persistent cookies: Permanent files that remain on the device for a specified period after visiting the service.

The following types of cookies are used in the service:

  • “Necessary” cookies, enabling the use of services available within the service, such as authentication cookies used for services requiring authentication within the service.
  • Cookies used to ensure security, such as those used to detect abuse in the scope of authentication within the service.
  • “Performance” cookies, enabling the collection of information about how the service’s web pages are used.
  • “Functional” cookies, allowing the service to “remember” user-selected settings and personalize the user interface, e.g., in terms of the chosen language or region from which the user comes, font size, website appearance, etc.
  • “Advertising” cookies, allowing the delivery of advertising content more tailored to the user’s interests.